Virtual Reality

Virtual environments; VR projects; object visualization in VR; VR games and entertainment; VR experiences; comunication, marketing and divulgation VR apps …

Virtual Reality (VR) is a new technology that teleports the user to any imaginable environment (real or not), from a giant world to a single 3D dynamic scenario, VR is the best support to display your project. The VR user is completely immersed in the projection, he may not only visually explore this environment and the objects in it but also move around and even interact with the elements of its surroundings.

VR can be a great choice in many situations. Maybe you have designed a great device and you are wondering how would it look before building it. Or maybe you want a visual demonstration to show everyone how it will work. Perhaps you’re looking for a new better way to visualize data, graphs or maps, maybe star maps. Or looking for new cool technologies to use in science dissemination or education. Maybe you have a web that could offer virtual visits to a museum. Maybe you have a video-game in mind. Or maybe you just fancy a walk in Mars to follow the path of Curiosity. For these and for many other scenarios, Virtual Reality could be the best choice.


What can we do for you?

  • Space Scenarios
  • Video-Games
  • Science Divulgation Apps
  • Immersive Experiences
  • Sky/Star Maps
  • Objects Visualization
  • Educative Games
  • VR apps
  • Dynamic Test-Bed Scenarios
  • Virtual Visits
  • Marketing Solutions
  • Data and Graphs Visualization
  • 3D 360º Videos
  • Personalized Virtual Tools
  • Interactive Maps
  • Many More…


The basic hardware needed for any VR experience are VR glasses, this glasses will display the 3D world in front of the user so that it can be teleported to the new environment without leaving the place. Depending on how realistic you want the experience to be, the glasses can be expensive complex technological devices or just a standard mobile phone with a cardboard accessory. Aditional hardware like hand controllers or sensory elements may be used to enhance the experience.

At Space Robotics we have a professional team of designers, engineers, and programmers with long experience in Virtual Reality. We are experts at creating virtual environments, modeling 3D objects, and designing complete experiences. If you are considering Virtual Reality for your project, contact us with the form below. We will create an immersive experience for you.

Hire our Services

Virtual Environments

Your models in VR

Complete Experiences


13 + 10 =

Development Process


First proposal

Analysis & Creation

General analysis


Product testing


Final Delivery

Simulated Rovers for Mars and the Moon

At SpaceRobotics.EU, we have developed advanced rover models for simulation, focused on enhancing the experience of astronauts during missions to the Moon and Mars. These 3D models are designed with a high level of detail, allowing for their integration into virtual...

Work with us! New positions opened in SpaceRobotics.EU

Thinking about working with us? Fill out this form and send us an email with your CV. We will contact you if a position suits your profile. Currently, we are opening new projects in the Virtual Reality, Robotics and Education departments. Check out the following...

First real simulation Gateway VR for Space Agencies

Nubalo Studios S.L. has created a new virtual reality (VR) experience about the Lunar Gateway Space Station. This experience, named "Exploring Space with VR," has been specially designed for astronauts working and living on the station, allowing them to immerse...

Space exhibitions for museums and events

The company Nubalo Studios S.L. is one of the world's leading exhibition design and production companies for fairs and museums. Since our beginnings, we have worked for different space agencies and educational institutions, creating innovative and attractive...

Space visitor center open to the public

The Visitor Center of the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) was inaugurated in December 2021 with great expectations and promised to be a modern and technological space where visitors could learn about astronomy and cosmology, and discover the telescopes and the history of ORM in an entertaining and friendly way

Virtual Reality Controlled Talks – Master Class VR

At SpaceRobotics.EU we are passionate about technology development and we are always looking into new things coming out. Since tech on its own is worthless unless it’s serving an ulterior purpose, we also look for activities and industries that may benefit from these...

Four years collaborating with “Astronomía” magazine

"Astronomía" was the first Spanish magazine entirely dedicated to astronomy and astrophysics communication. For almost forty years they've been doing an explendid job as science communicators, and between the on-paper versión and the newest on-line one, they've...

Starship and future on Mars update in Mission Mars VR experience

The Mission: Mars VR Beta experience has only been online for 5 months and has had a great acceptance among the public who love space and especially Mars. After the successful arrivals of Perseverance (American rover) and Zhurong (Chinese rover) to the surface of...

New Virtual Reality game – Save the Earth VR

We are in the year 2085, there is almost no human life left on the planet, our last chance … We started a new development of a space Virtual Reality video game in which we will have a clear objective: "Save the Earth". For this we will need to resort to different...

ESA Cebreros Station complete Virtual Tour

Cebreros Station (also known as DSA 2 or Deep Space Antenna 2) is a European Space Agency, ESTRACK radio antenna station for communication with spacecraft, located about 10 km east of Cebreros and 90 km...

“Mission: Mars” our latest VR experience

At SpaceRobotics.EU we love space, we love new technologies, and we love to share our knowledge and our passion for space sciences. That’s why we’ve created “Mission: Mars”, a VR environment that simulates Mars’ surface and features the latest missions sent by...

Tianwen-1 – China’s first rover to Mars – All instruments in 3D (Huoxing mission)

On July 23th 2020, China launched Tianwen-1, their first mission to the planet Mars. This mission consists of an orbiter, a lander, and a rover. It's the first time anyone tries to deploy all three in the same mission! If successful, the Tianwen-1 rover will...

Working towards a way out the COVID-19 alert

Like everyone else, SpaceRobotics.EU has taken extraordinary measures due to the covid_19 sanitary alert. Besides asking all our employees to work on-line from their homes to limit human contact and stop the propagation, at SpaceRobotics.EU we are contributing to...

2019 new VR scenarios – Mission training, orbit visualization, use of instruments, collaborative projects and mission highlights.

At SpaceRobotics.EU we are ceaselessly ahead of the curve in Virtual Reality experiences, always offering state-of-the-art professional hardware and custom-made high-quality software. We ended 2019 with four top-selling experiences, a Lunar Roving Vehicle driving...

On-flight F18 fighter jet 360º footage

We produce a 360º video of an F18 fighter jet flight as seen from the pilot's point of view. It was shot by the Eagle Squad and will be seen by millions of visitors in museums and educational programmes. About the video The production of this video was requested by...

Our VR and AR projects make it to “Astronomía” national magazine

Education is key for our future and thus at SpaceRobotics.EU we always try to fit the latest technologies in our hands into education and science popularization enterprises. Some of our latest projects in this matter have been to create Virtual Reality and Augmented...

Rosetta and Philae at Chury (67P) VR

We create a Virtual Reality scenario around the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko that supports orbit simulations and features Rosetta and Philae.   About Rosetta, Philae and Chury Rosetta was a space probe built by ESA (European Space Agency) and launched using an...

ESA’s Moon Village concept in VR

After the success of "Apollo 11 VR Experience" and "Apollo 17 VR Experience", we have created a brand new virtual adventure on the Moon, this time, for the European Space Agency. This VR scenario shows ESA's concept of a Moon Village, a science-fiction-like permanent...

New Apollo 11 VR Experience – Simulating a MoonWalk

  On the occasion of Apollo 11's 50th anniversary, we recreate this mission as a Virtual Reality experience.   About the Apollo 11 After a huge campaign that promised American superiority over the USSR in the fields of space exploration and missile...

SpaceRobotics at ExpoAstronómica 2019

  SpaceRobotics goes all-in at ExpoAstronómica 2019.   About ExpoAstronómica ExpoAstronómica is an astronomy fair organized yearly in Guadalajara (Spain) by the Yebes Townhall and the astronomy classroom AstroYebes. It’s the only...
Simulated Rovers for Mars and the Moon

Simulated Rovers for Mars and the Moon

At SpaceRobotics.EU, we have developed advanced rover models for simulation, focused on enhancing the experience of astronauts during missions to the Moon and Mars. These 3D models are designed with a high level of detail, allowing for their integration into virtual...

Work with us! New positions opened in SpaceRobotics.EU

Work with us! New positions opened in SpaceRobotics.EU

Thinking about working with us? Fill out this form and send us an email with your CV. We will contact you if a position suits your profile. Currently, we are opening new projects in the Virtual Reality, Robotics and Education departments. Check out the following...

First real simulation Gateway VR for Space Agencies

First real simulation Gateway VR for Space Agencies

Nubalo Studios S.L. has created a new virtual reality (VR) experience about the Lunar Gateway Space Station. This experience, named "Exploring Space with VR," has been specially designed for astronauts working and living on the station, allowing them to immerse...

Space exhibitions for museums and events

Space exhibitions for museums and events

The company Nubalo Studios S.L. is one of the world's leading exhibition design and production companies for fairs and museums. Since our beginnings, we have worked for different space agencies and educational institutions, creating innovative and attractive...

Space visitor center open to the public

Space visitor center open to the public

The Visitor Center of the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) was inaugurated in December 2021 with great expectations and promised to be a modern and technological space where visitors could learn about astronomy and cosmology, and discover the telescopes and the history of ORM in an entertaining and friendly way

Virtual Reality Controlled Talks – Master Class VR

Virtual Reality Controlled Talks – Master Class VR

At SpaceRobotics.EU we are passionate about technology development and we are always looking into new things coming out. Since tech on its own is worthless unless it’s serving an ulterior purpose, we also look for activities and industries that may benefit from these...

Four years collaborating with “Astronomía” magazine

Four years collaborating with “Astronomía” magazine

"Astronomía" was the first Spanish magazine entirely dedicated to astronomy and astrophysics communication. For almost forty years they've been doing an explendid job as science communicators, and between the on-paper versión and the newest on-line one, they've...

Starship and future on Mars update in Mission Mars VR experience

Starship and future on Mars update in Mission Mars VR experience

The Mission: Mars VR Beta experience has only been online for 5 months and has had a great acceptance among the public who love space and especially Mars. After the successful arrivals of Perseverance (American rover) and Zhurong (Chinese rover) to the surface of...

New Virtual Reality game – Save the Earth VR

New Virtual Reality game – Save the Earth VR

We are in the year 2085, there is almost no human life left on the planet, our last chance … We started a new development of a space Virtual Reality video game in which we will have a clear objective: "Save the Earth". For this we will need to resort to different...

ESA Cebreros Station complete Virtual Tour

ESA Cebreros Station complete Virtual Tour

Cebreros Station (also known as DSA 2 or Deep Space Antenna 2) is a European Space Agency, ESTRACK radio antenna station for communication with spacecraft, located about 10 km east of Cebreros and 90 km...

“Mission: Mars” our latest VR experience

“Mission: Mars” our latest VR experience

At SpaceRobotics.EU we love space, we love new technologies, and we love to share our knowledge and our passion for space sciences. That’s why we’ve created “Mission: Mars”, a VR environment that simulates Mars’ surface and features the latest missions sent by...

Working towards a way out the COVID-19 alert

Working towards a way out the COVID-19 alert

Like everyone else, SpaceRobotics.EU has taken extraordinary measures due to the covid_19 sanitary alert. Besides asking all our employees to work on-line from their homes to limit human contact and stop the propagation, at SpaceRobotics.EU we are contributing to...

On-flight F18 fighter jet 360º footage

On-flight F18 fighter jet 360º footage

We produce a 360º video of an F18 fighter jet flight as seen from the pilot's point of view. It was shot by the Eagle Squad and will be seen by millions of visitors in museums and educational programmes. About the video The production of this video was requested by...

Rosetta and Philae at Chury (67P) VR

Rosetta and Philae at Chury (67P) VR

We create a Virtual Reality scenario around the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko that supports orbit simulations and features Rosetta and Philae.   About Rosetta, Philae and Chury Rosetta was a space probe built by ESA (European Space Agency) and launched using an...

ESA’s Moon Village concept in VR

ESA’s Moon Village concept in VR

After the success of "Apollo 11 VR Experience" and "Apollo 17 VR Experience", we have created a brand new virtual adventure on the Moon, this time, for the European Space Agency. This VR scenario shows ESA's concept of a Moon Village, a science-fiction-like permanent...

New Apollo 11 VR Experience – Simulating a MoonWalk

New Apollo 11 VR Experience – Simulating a MoonWalk

  On the occasion of Apollo 11's 50th anniversary, we recreate this mission as a Virtual Reality experience.   About the Apollo 11 After a huge campaign that promised American superiority over the USSR in the fields of space exploration and missile...

SpaceRobotics at ExpoAstronómica 2019

SpaceRobotics at ExpoAstronómica 2019

  SpaceRobotics goes all-in at ExpoAstronómica 2019.   About ExpoAstronómica ExpoAstronómica is an astronomy fair organized yearly in Guadalajara (Spain) by the Yebes Townhall and the astronomy classroom AstroYebes. It’s the only...

New Apollo 17 VR Experience – Driving a Moon Rover

New Apollo 17 VR Experience – Driving a Moon Rover

  Undergo a unique driving experience steering a lunar rover in our new Virtual Reality adventure "Apollo 17 VR".   About the Apollo 17 After a huge campaign that promised American superiority over the USSR in the fields of space exploration and missile...

Herschel Space Observatory Virtual Reality App

Herschel Space Observatory Virtual Reality App

On the occasion of Herschel end of post-operations event at ESAC (European Space Astronomy Centre), the Space Division of Nubalo Studios, as part of the CESAR project, and in collaboration with the ESDC (ESAC Science Data Centre) has created a Virtual Reality...

Spacecrafts in Virtual Reality

Spacecrafts in Virtual Reality

We couldn't be more happy to announce our first software development in Virtual Reality (VR). We have done our first demonstration with models of the ExoMars satellite, Schiaparelli lander and Juice mission, and it was absolutely successful. Virtual Reality is a new...