Jun 7, 2021 | Multimedia Creation, Virtual Reality
The Mission: Mars VR Beta experience has only been online for 5 months and has had a great acceptance among the public who love space and especially Mars. After the successful arrivals of Perseverance (American rover) and Zhurong (Chinese rover) to the surface of...
May 27, 2021 | Multimedia Creation, Virtual Reality
Cebreros Station (also known as DSA 2 or Deep Space Antenna 2) is a European Space Agency, ESTRACK radio antenna station for communication with spacecraft, located about 10 km east of Cebreros and 90 km...
Jul 23, 2020 | Multimedia Creation, Virtual Reality
On July 23th 2020, China launched Tianwen-1, their first mission to the planet Mars. This mission consists of an orbiter, a lander, and a rover. It’s the first time anyone tries to deploy all three in the same mission! If successful, the Tianwen-1 rover...
Apr 12, 2020 | Multimedia Creation, Space Education
We team up with @AstronautLiLi to produce a series of educational videos on space sciences and space exploration for kids to keep exploring the Universe during the covid-19 sanitary alert. Like everyone else, SpaceRobotics.EU has taken extraordinary measures due to...
Mar 25, 2020 | Augmented Reality, Multimedia Creation, Scaled Models, Science & Software, Sin categoría, Space Education, Space Industry, Space Robotics, Virtual Reality
Like everyone else, SpaceRobotics.EU has taken extraordinary measures due to the covid_19 sanitary alert. Besides asking all our employees to work on-line from their homes to limit human contact and stop the propagation, at SpaceRobotics.EU we are contributing to...
Mar 1, 2020 | Multimedia Creation, Space Education, Virtual Reality
At SpaceRobotics.EU we are ceaselessly ahead of the curve in Virtual Reality experiences, always offering state-of-the-art professional hardware and custom-made high-quality software. We ended 2019 with four top-selling experiences, a Lunar Roving Vehicle driving...
Dec 5, 2019 | Multimedia Creation, Virtual Reality
We produce a 360º video of an F18 fighter jet flight as seen from the pilot’s point of view. It was shot by the Eagle Squad and will be seen by millions of visitors in museums and educational programmes. About the video The production of this video was requested...
Dec 1, 2019 | Augmented Reality, Multimedia Creation, Space Education, Virtual Reality
Education is key for our future and thus at SpaceRobotics.EU we always try to fit the latest technologies in our hands into education and science popularization enterprises. Some of our latest projects in this matter have been to create Virtual Reality and Augmented...
Jul 20, 2019 | Augmented Reality, Multimedia Creation, Space Education
“Explorando el Cosmos” is the latest “Sal a Ver las Estrellas” tool. Entirely designed by a SpaceRobotics.EU multidisciplinary team, this resource comprises a state-of-the-art space-related exhibition and an AR App through which you may...
Oct 18, 2018 | Multimedia Creation, Space Education
Space Robotics original production “BepiColombo The Game” is already in the alpha test version and a public beta will hopefully be available for download in the following weeks. Join us in this adventure, learn more about this project and feel free to...
Jul 15, 2018 | Augmented Reality, Multimedia Creation, Scaled Models
ESA’s ESAC D-bulding hosts during this summer an Artistic-Scientific-Technological exhibition by SpaceRobotics, where planetary exploration is presented in an absolutely innovative way. The exhibition itself is about ESA’s exploration of the...
Jun 21, 2018 | Multimedia Creation, Science & Software, Space Education, Space Industry
We are proud to announce that our collaboration with the European Space Agency is bearing fruit and a two-minutes-long video displaying Rosetta’s final images before programmed impact on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko has already been released. It took several...