Dec 11, 2024 | Augmented Reality, Multimedia Creation, Scaled Models, Science & Software, Space Industry, Virtual Reality
At SpaceRobotics.EU, we have developed advanced rover models for simulation, focused on enhancing the experience of astronauts during missions to the Moon and Mars. These 3D models are designed with a high level of detail, allowing for their integration into virtual...
Jan 4, 2024 | Multimedia Creation, Virtual Reality
Nubalo Studios S.L. has created a new virtual reality (VR) experience about the Lunar Gateway Space Station. This experience, named “Exploring Space with VR,” has been specially designed for astronauts working and living on the station, allowing them to...
Dec 28, 2023 | Multimedia Creation, Scaled Models
The Lunar Museum of Fresnedillas de la Oliva has premiered its new exhibition on a scale model of the Gateway Space Station, the first station in orbit around the Moon. It is a fundamental component of the Artemis program, born from an international collaboration led...
May 22, 2023 | Scaled Models
At Nubalo Studios S.L., we are specialized in creating scale satellites of space missions, managing the entire design and manufacturing process to ensure precision and authenticity in every detail. In recent months, we have worked on constructing replicas of Aeolus,...
Jan 15, 2023 | Augmented Reality, Multimedia Creation, Science & Software
The Lunar Museum, located in Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Madrid, Spain), near the old NASA Manned Spaceflight Tracking Station, has recently announced a new update to its augmented reality (AR) application. This update includes several improvements and new features that...
Jan 27, 2022 | Augmented Reality, Space Education
We keep working along with the Lunar Museum to enhance the visitor’s experience through a renewed AR app. As some of you may remember, back in 2020 we completed the renewal of the Lunar Museum in Fresnedillas de la Oliva. Besides advising them about the design...
Jun 7, 2021 | Multimedia Creation, Virtual Reality
The Mission: Mars VR Beta experience has only been online for 5 months and has had a great acceptance among the public who love space and especially Mars. After the successful arrivals of Perseverance (American rover) and Zhurong (Chinese rover) to the surface of...
Jan 20, 2021 | Space Education, Virtual Reality
At SpaceRobotics.EU we love space, we love new technologies, and we love to share our knowledge and our passion for space sciences. That’s why we’ve created “Mission: Mars”, a VR environment that simulates Mars’ surface and features the latest missions sent by...
Mar 1, 2020 | Multimedia Creation, Space Education, Virtual Reality
At SpaceRobotics.EU we are ceaselessly ahead of the curve in Virtual Reality experiences, always offering state-of-the-art professional hardware and custom-made high-quality software. We ended 2019 with four top-selling experiences, a Lunar Roving Vehicle driving...
Mar 8, 2019 | Space Education, Virtual Reality
On the occasion of Apollo 11’s 50th anniversary, we recreate this mission as a Virtual Reality experience. About the Apollo 11 After a huge campaign that promised American superiority over the USSR in the fields of space exploration and missile...
Nov 26, 2018 | Scaled Models
Space Robotics was invited to the Insight presentation at the CAB and requested to provide TWINS scaled models. The very same day NASA’s latest Mars Lander “InSight” successfully reached its deployment location, we were invited to...
Mar 15, 2018 | Multimedia Creation, Scaled Models, Science & Software
We have created the very best 3D model of the comet 67P for NASA’s CAESAR development team. It has been long since March 2004, when Rosetta was launched towards 67P, but it was only two years ago when the mission ended. Rosetta has been one of ESA’s most...