The Lunar Museum, located in Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Madrid, Spain), near the old NASA Manned Spaceflight Tracking Station, has recently announced a new update to its augmented reality (AR) application. This update includes several improvements and new features that make the visitor’s experience even more comprehensive and attractive.

One of the main enhancements is the adaptation of animations to the new panels in different areas of the exhibition hall. The Lunar Museum has refreshed part of its display in recent months, making it essential for the application to be updated and showcase new animations corresponding to recently added elements. This way, visitors can enjoy a more complete and enhanced experience.

Augmented Reality on eclipses with Astronaut LiLi in the Lunar Museum app.

Another innovation in the application is the addition of the animation change and replay button. With this feature, visitors can re-watch animations of scanned elements using their mobile phone cameras. This function is particularly useful for those who want to delve deeper into the museum’s information or for those who may have missed some details during the initial viewing.

Augmented Reality on communication antennas with Astronaut LiLi in the Lunar Museum app.

Additionally, a photography option has been added, allowing visitors to take pictures of the animations within the museum and share them on social media or via email. This feature is ideal for those who want to preserve a unique and lasting memory of their visit or share their experiences with friends and family. Visitors can demonstrate that they have held the Earth in their hands, driven a lunar vehicle, or walked on the Moon alongside a real astronaut.

Finally, professional recordings accompany the animations, providing clear and concise explanations of the information presented. This immersive experience enhances the information displayed in the museum exhibits, making the visit accessible to those who do not know or may not be able to read information signs, resulting in a more inclusive experience for all audiences.

Augmented Reality on astronaut suits in the Lunar Museum app.

Lunar Museum AR App


All these improvements became effective in December 2022 and are now available to all users of the Lunar Museum AR application (iOS, Android). If you haven’t downloaded it yet, go ahead and enjoy a new way to explore the Lunar Museum! The app is available for free download on major app stores, such as Google Play and the App Store.

Once downloaded, simply follow the on-screen instructions to use it. It’s straightforward: point your mobile phone camera at the museum panels marked with AR (a red line on the floor indicates the recommended distance for a fully enjoyable experience), and you’ll see various virtual elements and animations related to them appear on the screen. You can also listen to audio explanations that provide clear and concise information.

Astronaut LiLi enjoying augmented reality on the command and service module in the Lunar Museum app.

Furthermore, with the new update, you can enjoy all the before mentioned enhancements, such as the animation change and replay button or the photography feature. This allows you to re-watch animations as many times as you want and permanently preserve a memory of your visit to the Lunar Museum.

If you have an interest in science and space, visiting the Lunar Museum is a must. With the AR application, you can learn more about the Apollo program and its missions to the Moon in a broader, engaging, and fun way. The museum also offers a wide range of activities for all audiences, from guided tours and STEAM workshops for students,  to activities for the general public on weekends through the Science for Families program. Don’t hesitate to visit them and discover everything the Lunar Museum has to offer!

Augmented Reality on the lunar rover in the Lunar Museum app.