We keep working along with the Lunar Museum to enhance the visitor’s experience through a renewed AR app.
As some of you may remember, back in 2020 we completed the renewal of the Lunar Museum in Fresnedillas de la Oliva. Besides advising them about the design of the new exhibition and building some scaled models that were required, we contributed with an AR (Augmented Reality) app that visitors would use to tour the museum. One year later, we are happy to announce that this app has been a huge success and that we’re now ready to release version 2.0.

The app fundamentals are still the same: Once it has been opened, whenever the user points his phone’s main camera to one of the AR posters, virtual elements related to it pop up on the screen and @AstronautLiLi herself explains the information on the poster with a friendly approach. However, we’ve learned a lot about how visitors use the app and explore the museum and we’ve updated the app accordingly.
Some of the updates include:
- Support for iOS (now iPhone users may download the app too).
- Support (with new animations) for even more posters displayed at the museum.
- New button to restart the explanation in case you missed the beginning.
- New button to display alternative animations.
- Now, @AstronautaLiLi continues her explanation even if you stop pointing to the poster.
- And, of course, many minor bug fixes.
There’s one more feature in the latest version of the app that is definitely worth mentioning: For a few months now, “Discover the Universe with Astronaut LiLi” has been for sale at the museum. This best seller is an educational book by AstronautLiLi’s team that features tons of information about the Solar Systeam and Space Exploration rigorously explained but also accessible to kids with no science background. Given the importance of the Moon and the Apollo missions, it was no surprise to us that halfway in the book there’s a whole section dedicated to this topic for kids to learn about our only natural satellite and the space race. We’re happy to anounce that the latest versión of the museum’s AR app now works on this section as well, displaying lots of 3d animations in the phones of those who buy this souvenir.

With a renewed app, the Lunar Museum is now ready for a whole new season of visitors. If you are wondering what does Fresnedillas de la Oliva have to do with NASA, the Moon and the Apollo Programme, there has never been a better moment to pay the museum a visit and find out all about it. Just remember to download the app! And if you are a parent, a student, a teacher, or somehow related to a school, make sure to check out all the awesome activities they are offering for school visits, in which @AstronautLiLi and her team of experts show them the museum and guide them trough amazing workshops and sensory activities. See you there!

Video and all CGI and pictures © SpaceRobotics.EU / Nubalo Studios S.L. & Fresnedillas de la Oliva Lunar Museum
Book pages © @AstronautaLiLi / Nubalo Studios S.L.