Jul 4, 2022 | Multimedia Creation, Space Education, Virtual Reality
At SpaceRobotics.EU we are passionate about technology development and we are always looking into new things coming out. Since tech on its own is worthless unless it’s serving an ulterior purpose, we also look for activities and industries that may benefit from these...
Dec 5, 2019 | Multimedia Creation, Virtual Reality
We produce a 360º video of an F18 fighter jet flight as seen from the pilot’s point of view. It was shot by the Eagle Squad and will be seen by millions of visitors in museums and educational programmes. About the video The production of this video was requested...
Jun 10, 2018 | Scaled Models
ExoMars 2020 won’t be launched until… guess it… 2020, but missions are always designed years before the launching date, so ExoMars’ 2020 Rover’s final design has already been presented. Although we already had figures from previous...
Jun 10, 2018 | Modelos a Escala
ExoMars 2020 no se lanzará hasta… bueno… hasta 2020, pero las misiones siempre terminan de diseñarse años antes de su fecha de lanzamiento, por lo que el diseño final del Rover de ExoMars 2020 ya ha sido presentado. Aunque teníamos figuras de algunos...
Jan 1, 2018 | Scaled Models
We release our latest 3D creation: a Galileo satellite scale model. This model was designed from scratch under contract with ESA’s Galileo Programme. Galileo is a global navigation satellite system created by the European Union (EU) and developed by the European...
Oct 31, 2017 | Science & Software, Virtual Reality
On the occasion of Herschel end of post-operations event at ESAC (European Space Astronomy Centre), the Space Division of Nubalo Studios, as part of the CESAR project, and in collaboration with the ESDC (ESAC Science Data Centre) has created a Virtual Reality...
Aug 10, 2017 | Multimedia Creation
If these images already look great, try to imagine them in a 360º Spherical Planetary Projector! We have recently designed a software and interface for this special kind of projector and its ready for an educational use as well as to liven up the room. They are...
Mar 28, 2017 | Virtual Reality
We couldn’t be more happy to announce our first software development in Virtual Reality (VR). We have done our first demonstration with models of the ExoMars satellite, Schiaparelli lander and Juice mission, and it was absolutely successful. Virtual Reality is a...
Aug 20, 2016 | Multimedia Creation, Science & Software
We have designed Juice and ExoMars 3D models adapted to Cosmographia. Enter the software and be ready to fly along with this missions to their destiny, enjoy the spacecraft design with realistic 3D graphics, see what they see and discover the wonders of the Solar...
Aug 14, 2016 | Science & Software, Space Education
Our best teams of designers, astronomers and engineers are developing this new app that will satisfy both professional astrophysics and astrophotographers and the youngest astronomers interested in space. This mobile application is, at the same time, a professional...
Mar 1, 2013 | Multimedia Creation
Our latest brand new 3D model is the DSS-61 antenna from the PARTNeR project at NASA’s MDSCC (Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex). MDSCC is one of the three ground stations that constitute to NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN), which is in charge of the...