Jun 28, 2023 | Scaled Models
The latest project undertaken by the SpaceRobotics.EU team involves the new base design and scale model for the Galileo satellite. This meticulously crafted 3D model was commissioned by the prestigious Galileo program of the European Space Agency (ESA) The scale...
Aug 11, 2020 | Scaled Models
We are open for business! After many years of carefully designing, producing and selling scaled models of many space exploration missions, we have finally opened our own online store. Our new space shop For many years now, we have been designing and producing scaled...
Feb 10, 2020 | Scaled Models
3D-printing is a new technology that is still trying to make it into our everyday lives, but at SpaceRobotics.EU, we already master it. For the past five years, we have been the only company to mass-produce space-exploration-related 3D-printed scaled models, providing...
Mar 8, 2019 | Augmented Reality, Scaled Models, Space Education, Virtual Reality
SpaceRobotics goes all-in at ExpoAstronómica 2019. About ExpoAstronómica ExpoAstronómica is an astronomy fair organized yearly in Guadalajara (Spain) by the Yebes Townhall and the astronomy classroom AstroYebes. It’s the only...
Jun 6, 2018 | Space Education
How cool would it be for students in schools or universities to learn about the space industry by building their own satellite? Although satellites are much cheaper now and some schools and universities do launch CubeSats once in a while, this is still...
Jan 14, 2018 | Science & Software, Space Industry, Space Robotics
We have recently assembled the software for a completely new space-related project: TBT, a robotic telescope that will look for unidentified objects close to Earth. Within ESA’s SSA and GSTP programmes the TBT project was born in 2012 to detect and keep track on...
Aug 10, 2016 | Scaled Models, Space Robotics
We have recently created a fully functional scale model of a TBT telescope, that can be controlled with your phone. Within ESA’s SSA and GSTP programmes the TBT project was born in 2012 to detect and keep track on NEOs. ESA (European Space Agency) is one of the...
Aug 13, 2015 | Multimedia Creation
We have recently designed multimedia material for the presentation of a completely new space-related project: TBT, a robotic telescope that will look for unidentified objects close to Earth. Within ESA’s SSA and GSTP programmes the TBT project was born in 2012...
Jun 22, 2010 | Science & Software
We have developed a software to submit proposals of radioastronomy observations to NASA’s MDSCC (Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex). MDSCC is one of the three ground stations that constitute to NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN), which is in charge of the...