Oct 21, 2023 | Space Education
SpaceRobotics.EU has once again participated in the celebration of the ESA Open Day at the facilities of the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Villafranca del Castillo. In collaboration with the outreach team led by the space communicator Astronaut LiLi, we...
Nov 21, 2022 | Scaled Models, Space Education
In order to stay at the forefront and offer our customers unique and innovative products, at Nubalo Studios S.L. we have decided to design and create a 3D puzzle of the Rosalind Franklin rover, which will be heading to Mars. We are constantly looking for ways to...
Jun 7, 2021 | Multimedia Creation, Virtual Reality
The Mission: Mars VR Beta experience has only been online for 5 months and has had a great acceptance among the public who love space and especially Mars. After the successful arrivals of Perseverance (American rover) and Zhurong (Chinese rover) to the surface of...
Jan 20, 2021 | Space Education, Virtual Reality
At SpaceRobotics.EU we love space, we love new technologies, and we love to share our knowledge and our passion for space sciences. That’s why we’ve created “Mission: Mars”, a VR environment that simulates Mars’ surface and features the latest missions sent by...
Mar 1, 2020 | Multimedia Creation, Space Education, Virtual Reality
At SpaceRobotics.EU we are ceaselessly ahead of the curve in Virtual Reality experiences, always offering state-of-the-art professional hardware and custom-made high-quality software. We ended 2019 with four top-selling experiences, a Lunar Roving Vehicle driving...
Apr 3, 2019 | Scaled Models, Space Industry, Space Robotics
We update our functional robotic scaled model of ESA’s ExoMars’ Rosalind Franklin rover. On ExoMars 2020 ExoMars 2020 will deliver a rover and a surface platform to our neighbour planet. Like in the previous ExoMars mission, a...
Dec 1, 2018 | Scaled Models, Space Industry, Space Robotics
We design and build a functional robotic scaled model of ESA’s ExoMars’ Rosalind Franklin rover. About ExoMars 2020 ExoMars 2020 will deliver a rover and a surface platform to our neighbour planet. Like in the previous ExoMars...