Jun 10, 2018 | Scaled Models
ExoMars 2020 won’t be launched until… guess it… 2020, but missions are always designed years before the launching date, so ExoMars’ 2020 Rover’s final design has already been presented. Although we already had figures from previous...
Jun 10, 2018 | Modelos a Escala
ExoMars 2020 no se lanzará hasta… bueno… hasta 2020, pero las misiones siempre terminan de diseñarse años antes de su fecha de lanzamiento, por lo que el diseño final del Rover de ExoMars 2020 ya ha sido presentado. Aunque teníamos figuras de algunos...
Aug 20, 2016 | Multimedia Creation, Science & Software
We have designed Juice and ExoMars 3D models adapted to Cosmographia. Enter the software and be ready to fly along with this missions to their destiny, enjoy the spacecraft design with realistic 3D graphics, see what they see and discover the wonders of the Solar...
Mar 7, 2009 | Science & Software, Space Industry
Under contract with the Space Programs and Space Science Department of INTA we have designed the database for ExoMars’ Raman Libs Spectrometer (RLS). A management database for components, materials… ExoMars is a joint endeavour between ESA and the Russian...