Jan 4, 2024 | Multimedia Creation, Virtual Reality
Nubalo Studios S.L. has created a new virtual reality (VR) experience about the Lunar Gateway Space Station. This experience, named “Exploring Space with VR,” has been specially designed for astronauts working and living on the station, allowing them to...
Dec 28, 2023 | Multimedia Creation, Scaled Models
The Lunar Museum of Fresnedillas de la Oliva has premiered its new exhibition on a scale model of the Gateway Space Station, the first station in orbit around the Moon. It is a fundamental component of the Artemis program, born from an international collaboration led...
Jun 28, 2023 | Scaled Models
The latest project undertaken by the SpaceRobotics.EU team involves the new base design and scale model for the Galileo satellite. This meticulously crafted 3D model was commissioned by the prestigious Galileo program of the European Space Agency (ESA) The scale...
Jan 9, 2023 | Augmented Reality, Multimedia Creation, Scaled Models, Space Education, Space Industry, Space Robotics, Virtual Reality
The company Nubalo Studios S.L. is one of the world’s leading exhibition design and production companies for fairs and museums. Since our beginnings, we have worked for different space agencies and educational institutions, creating innovative and attractive...
May 20, 2018 | Multimedia Creation, Space Education
Space Robotics presents “Astronaut Lili’s PodCast” a new educative audio resource for kids to learn science anywhere anytime. Play it in the car while driving back home, during the weekend’s family evening, or at the school in science lessons....