Jun 17, 2019 | Virtual Reality
After the success of “Apollo 11 VR Experience” and “Apollo 17 VR Experience”, we have created a brand new virtual adventure on the Moon, this time, for the European Space Agency. This VR scenario shows ESA’s concept of a Moon Village, a...
May 19, 2015 | Space Industry, Space Robotics
We have installed a robotic telescope from scratch at NASA’s Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex (MDSCC). The telescope can already be remote-controlled during observations and it will be fully-automatic at some point in the future. The new drivers are...
Nov 28, 2011 | Space Robotics
We have designed from scratch and successfully installed the first ever observatory in Boadilla del Monte. This includes sketches and blueprints, home-made pieces, tailor-made solutions, full installation, control software design and implementation, security...